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Talk to the Elephant: Design for Behavior Change

  • Thursday, September 29, 2022
  • 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
  • Zoom


  • If you are a chapter member, select this option to attend this amazing event and receive a copy of Julie Dirksen's bestselling book "Design for How People Learn" at a $7.00 discount ($30 discounted price vs. $37 actual price).

    Please be sure to use the address fields on the registration form to fill out your shipping address to receive the book.

    Choose this option by September 22 to have a copy shipped to your shipping address. Choose this option from September 22-29 to receive a copy after the event.
  • If you are a chapter member, select this option to attend this amazing event.
  • If you are a non-member, select this option to attend this amazing event and receive a copy of Julie Dirksen's bestselling book "Design for How People Learn" at a $7.00 discount ($30 discounted price vs. $37 actual price).

    Please be sure to use the address fields on the registration form to fill out your shipping address to receive the book.

    Choose this option by September 22 to have a copy shipped to your shipping address. Choose this option from September 23-29 to receive a copy after the event.
  • If you are a non-member, select this option to attend this amazing event.
  • For HEC, HUB, or SHRM Hawaii Members, select this option and supply the registration code to get the special pricing.
  • Select this option to attend this amazing event and receive a copy of Julie Dirksen's bestselling book "Design for How People Learn" at a $7.00 discount ($30 discounted price vs. $37 actual price).

    Please be sure to use the address fields on the registration form to fill out your shipping address to receive the book.

    Choose this option by September 22 to have a copy shipped to your shipping address. Choose this option from September 23-29 to receive a copy after the event.

Registration is closed

Click here to learn more about Julie and her excellent resources.

Event Description

Talk to the Elephant: Design for Behavior Change

Frequently, learning design is about showing people how to do the right things, but actually getting them to change their behavior can be another story. It’s particularly challenging to get people to change those intractable habits and behaviors that everyone struggles to avoid, despite the wealth of available information about better choices.

This session will explore how to design with behavior change in mind. You will examine behavior change from a number of different angles, using techniques from the fields of neuroscience, behavioral economics, behavioral psychology, persuasive technology, user experience, and even game design.

In this session, you will learn:

  • How to identify and understand the barriers to behavior change
  • Ways to design solutions that don’t just inform learners, but also inspire behavior change
  • How to use specific models and techniques for designing a change effort

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